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La transition postale en Alsace-Moselle

du 11 novembre au 31 décembre 1918

”The postal changeover in Alsace-Moselle from November 11 to December 31, 1918”

Price: 10 euros (Members : 7 euros) plus shipping costs for this single brochure (weight less than 250gr)

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The short period between the Armistice of November 11 and the end of 1918 was quite complex from a postal point of view because of the change of administration, rates, stamps and postal regulations. Following the Armistice, the German army had fifteen days to evacuate the territory before the entry of the French troops who came to occupy the three departments.

This book illustrates this particular period with the help of mail that circulated during the last weeks of 1918. The French postage stamps were available on November 23, 1918 and were usable immediately, but the German stamps could still be used until December 31. Two postal rates came into effect successively, first from November 11 to December 14 and then from December 15 to December 31, 1918. The duty free items are also illustrated as well as the postal control by the French authorities.

This booklet is a companion to the 1995 book published by the SPAL that is still relevant and available: "ALSACE-LORRAINE 1918-1920 From the collapse of the German Empire to the return to France" by Robert ABENSUR. It may interest a wider public than specialized collectors.

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