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Catalogue des timbres à date manuels français

d’Alsace et de Moselle 1919-1940

”Catalog of French manual postmarks from Alsace and Moselle 1919-1940”

Price: 20 euros (Members : 14 euros) plus shipment costs
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This catalog covers the three departments of Alsace-Lorraine: Moselle, Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin. It illustrates most of the 2240 manual date stamps of the civil postal services of the region which were recorded during the period January 10, 1919 to June 15, 1940. The period has been extended for the six civil post offices of "Reconquered Alsace" opened from 1915-1916 (Dannemarie, Masevaux, Montreux-Vieux, Moosch, Thann and Wesserling) and for the office of Lorquin which used 2 local rubber stamps from December 14, 1918.

This work integrates the new nomenclature of the postmarks which was presented in the book "Elements of postal history” (in Alsace and Moselle 1919-1940) which must be read beforehand.

The choice was made to restrict this catalog to the civilian postal service since the wartime postal service is not managed by the postal administration. Finally, only manual date stamps are studied here, which excludes mechanical cancellations and stamps, as well as claws and marks of all kinds when no date is attached.

As in the 1870-1918 catalog, a lettered index of quotation is assigned to each postmark.

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