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Éléments d’histoire postale en Alsace et en Moselle 1919-1940

”Elements of postal history in Alsace and Moselle 1919-1940”

Price: 23 euros (Members : 16 euros) plus shipment costs
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Between the two world wars, Alsace-Lorraine, which became French again in 1919, retained some differences inherited from the imperial regime after 48 years of German annexation. These differences were reflected in postal characteristics unknown in the rest of France. This work offers an overview of the administrative, regulatory and material aspects of postal history with the unique insights resulting from an intensive search of departmental and national public archives. This work highlights how the postal administration had to adapt to both french republican centralism and regional sensitivity.

This work addresses issues related to the general organization of the post office, the classification of postal offices and their numbers, the material used to cancel letters, the cancellation, registration and non-delivery labels, the service marks related to mail. The categories specific to the region and the specific local rates, as well as the local application of certain services created in "old France" between 1870 and 1918 are also analyzed. A chapter is devoted to the consequences of the First World War, as well as another to the beginning of the Second World War.

The purely postal domains of the period are covered in this book, except for those treated elsewhere, such as the first rates and postal parcels, to which readers may refer.

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