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Catalogue des timbres à date d'Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1918

avec Supplément n°1

Catalog of postmarks of Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1918” with Supplement # 1
Price: 38 euros (Members : 27 euros) plus shipment costs
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This catalog lists the postmarks used in Alsace-Lorraine during the German occupation from 1870-1918. The starting point is the day of the reopening of the post offices by the Germans. The German postmarks used during the annexation are listed for as long as they were in service including some used by the French administration from 1918 to 1921. This book is limited to postmarks used in civilian postal offices. The postmarks used by the railway post, the private posts and the military post are therefore excluded and will be the subject of dedicated publications in the future.

In 1870, due to the lack of equipment, some post offices cancelled the postage stamps by handwriting or by other stamp marks, while waiting for the delivery of the German cancelling material. These cancellations are taken into account in this catalog. Accidental cancellations made by hand or with various stamps and griffes, of postal origin or not, are not listed. The postal offices are listed in alphabetical order. For each postal office, the known or presumed date of opening is indicated.

A rarity index is attributed to each date stamp, scaled from A (very common) to E (very rare). For a good understanding of this catalog, it will be necessary to refer to the book " Introduction to the marcophily of Alsace-Lorraine (1870-1918) ".

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