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Le contrôle postal français en Alsace-Moselle 1939-1945

” French postal control (censorship) in Alsace-Moselle 1939-1945”

Price: 19 euros (Members : 13 euros) plus shipment costs
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This book is an exhaustive catalog of the marks (known to date) concerning the French postal control (censorship) in Alsace-Moselle - stamps and closing bands - during the Second World War.
This control extends over two periods. The first one, called "censorship during the hostilities", which lasts from September 1st, 1939 until June 1940 and includes three control centers: Colmar, Strasbourg and Metz. The second, which is called "liberation censorship", begins at the end of 1944/beginning of 1945, following the liberation of the regions and includes two centers, Strasbourg and Metz.

Between these two periods, Alsace and Moselle were annexed to the Third Reich and therefore subject to German postal censorship. While Alsatian or Lorraine correspondence subject to this control is abundant and common, less than 300 letters and cards with a French control have been listed to date during the "phony war" and not even 40 documents for the period following the liberation.

This research is the work of Jean Specht, an undisputed specialist in postal censorship during the Second World War throughout the world.

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